Telecom spectrum news


900, 2100 and 2600 MHz frequency spectrum auction concluded in Sweden

Sweden, 08.11.2023

Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) conducted a spectrum auction, allocating frequencies in the 900 MHz, 2.1 GHz, and 2.6 GHz bands.

Relevant spectrum allocation has been updated in our database and can be found here

This swift auction, which lasted a single day, resulted in a substantial total revenue of SEK 4.23 billion (EUR 364 million) for the Swedish government. Notably, all the available spectrum in these three bands was acquired by Sweden's primary mobile operators: Telia Sweden, Hi3G Access (Tre Sverige), and Net4Mobility (a collaboration between Telenor and Tele2).

The frequencies acquired through this auction will be instrumental in offering mobile broadband services, including 5G, to consumers. This new spectrum will empower the operators to enhance their network capacity, ultimately leading to improved service quality.

PTS expressed satisfaction with the auction's outcome, emphasizing its positive impact on the ongoing development of high-quality mobile broadband services in Sweden.

It's worth noting that this event marked the second significant spectrum auction in Sweden within a span of two years. In January 2021, PTS conducted an auction for frequencies in the 3.5 GHz band, with Telia Sweden, Hi3G Access, and Net4Mobility emerging as the victorious bidders.

Here's a summary of the results from the September 2023 auction:

Operator 900 MHz 2.1 GHz 2.6 GHz Total
Telia Sweden 2×15 MHz 2×20 MHz 2×30 MHz SEK 1.55 billion
Hi3G Access 2×10 MHz 2×20 MHz 2×10 MHz (FDD) + 1×10 MHz (TDD) SEK 1.21 billion
Net4Mobility 2×15 MHz 2×20 MHz 2×20 MHz SEK 1.47 billion

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