Telecom spectrum news


Colombia frequency spectrum auction results

Colombia, 11.01.2024

Colombia has taken a significant step towards the future of connectivity with its successful 5G spectrum auction, held on December 20, 2023. The auction, which was conducted by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications (MinTIC), resulted in the allocation of 3.5 GHz spectrum to four major telecommunications operators: Claro, Tigo-Movistar, ETB, and WOM.

The auction generated approximately USD1.37 billion, exceeding the government's initial target of ~ USD494 million. This significant revenue will be used to invest in the expansion of broadband infrastructure across the country, particularly in underserved areas.

Four blocks of 80 MHz each were auctioned in the 3.5 GHz band. This spectrum is considered ideal for 5G deployments due to its wide bandwidth and ability to support high data rates.

The 5G spectrum auction is expected to have a profound impact on Colombia's telecommunications landscape and economy. With the availability of 5G spectrum, operators can now invest in deploying next-generation networks that will provide significantly faster data speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity.

Relevant frequency allocations have been updated in our database and can be found here:

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